вторник, 31 марта 2015 г.


Health and beauty center “Serafiti” is the cabinet equipped with all the necessary attributes, which is necessary to perform this procedure on a professional level:
  • For each client In accordance with the physiologic state of health will be selected general well-known brands supplied by minerals, essential oils, foams and preparations, which are dissolved in a Jacuzzi whirlpool, which makes the water as much as possible close to the world’s leading spa resorts waters.
  • Massage Jacuzzi installed individually, with the intensity and dosage, also will be chosen the time, that makes the procedure particularly pleasant and efficient.
  • After hydro massage the client, if he wishes, will have a spa-relaxing massage specially selected by program (mud, chocolate scrub, anti-cellulite Peeling means and so on).
  • Clinic doctors consider necessary to have hydro massage within the complex treatment of the conduct. For example,mineral-rich massage is very effective during osteokhondrozi, arthritis, disc herniation, and in rheumatic diseases. Underwater massages are specially arranged for large articulation by the attention of specialists and this influence increases through special jet .
  • Antidepressant massage relieves nerve block and the patient is completely free from tension 1-2 times a week hydro massage procedure completely relieves muscle spasm, fatigue and stiffness of the joints Health and beauty center “Serafiti”.

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